US immigration lawyers advices for chinese residents
How to choose the top New York immigration lawyer for chinese US visa citizens: Learn which visas you will need to work or study in the United States. Prepare for the visa lottery. That’s because you will have a short window of time to apply each year. Determine which type of visa you need. For example, students need an F-1 visa, while the most common type of work visa is the H-1B. Consider getting an immigration attorney. They can help you navigate fast-changing immigration policies. Learn about free legal aid for immigrants in the U.S. If you are concerned about how you will fit in, learn what others have experienced as immigrants from various cultural and racial backgrounds.
Immigration law is one of the most complex areas of law. Choosing a good immigration lawyer can have a major impact on your green card application: getting a green card or being forced to leave the United States. A bad immigration lawyer may charge you too much, fail to provide the promised service, or harm your case in a way that you may never recover. If you are looking for an immigration lawyer in New York , you are in luck. New York has many options. Therefore, you should be more cautious, here are a few tips on how to choose an immigration lawyer.
Did you know that there are important cultural customs regarding your behavior after a job interview? Here’s how to follow up with your prospective employer. Make the most of LinkedIn: Write an attention-grabbing headline such as: “Motivated, experienced sales manager.” Under each job title or previous position, you should have at least three bullet points with strong examples of your expertise. Your employer is likely to look at your public social media pages—so you might want to consider cultivating a personal brand. Define your vision, mission, and core values. Your job application, social media presence, and LinkedIn profile should combine to create a narrative about your professional experience. Show employers your career trajectory—instead of just a list of jobs. See even more info on
For our chinese readers:
很多人可能会有美国律师比较专业的误会,因为在很多时候确实本地的律师会比较多优势。但是面对移民申请这种基本不需要上法庭的法律相关事务,必然是要找语言沟通最好的移民律师。找移民律师其实跟找医生很像,由于需要很多客户与律师双方的沟通,所以建议寻找会讲中文的律师。而且最好是客服和律师助理(paralegal)都是会讲中文和英文的。这样不管是在和律师评估申请的状态,或者是助理在收申请材料上,都可以有更大的保障可以减少不必要的失误。 纽约移民律师 推荐: 本文会为大家推荐几所纽约的移民律所,并根据律所的官网收录了律所名称,简介,联系方式(网站,电话,地址,邮箱),方便大家咨询。 这几所律所的选择参考了avvo颁发的 client choice of immigration奖 和 的文章 Best Immigration lawyer in New York City 2019 ( 这篇文章介绍了Top 19 out of total 1905 Immigration lawyers served in New York city). 下面是律所的详细介绍,大家也可以点击上面两个链接查看英文原文。
绿卡拥有者的权利和义务 权利: a. 在美国的永久居住权(但是如果违法,美国政府可以根据移民法将绿卡身份撤回)b. 在美国自由选择任何合法的工作(除了一些高度机密的工作要求公民身份)c. 受到美国所有法律的保护,包括州法和地方法 Note:除了法律规定的这些权利之外,对于学生来说,有的奖学金是只限美国公民或绿卡持有者申请的,绿卡拥有者还有资格申请利息很低的申请政府助学金。 义务: a. 要求遵守美国所有法律,包括州法和地方法 b. 要求向美国国家税务局(Internal Revenue Service, IRS)报税 c. 支持民主政府,不能用非法手段改变政府 d. 18岁至25岁的男性要求注册兵役登记系统(Selective Service,并不等同于入伍)
工作绿卡(Employment Based Green Card),顾名思义给予在美工作人士的绿卡,所以它的获取流程是这样的:获得工作签证在美合法工作(通常是H1-B, L1-A,L1-B) -> 提交工作绿卡申请。工作绿卡分为EB-1,EB-2,EB-3,EB-4和EB-5。其中,EB-5是投资移民,EB-4是给宗教人士和在美军部队服役或美国政府海外机构的工作人员等特殊职业的,EB-1给杰出科研人才的,EB-2给硕士或者博士,或者本科但拥有至少五年相关工作经验的人士的,余下的在美工作人士就归于EB-3了。 在网站上阅读更多信息 纽约移民律师咨询.
O1签证 是继H-1B签证之后,近几年越来越受欢迎的一种非移民签证。有些人觉得O-1签证申请要求太高,难度很大,实则不是,在一些方面,O-1签证比H-1B签证还要简单很多,并且一旦申请成功,会给受益人省去很多麻烦。O1签证 简介: O-1是一种非移民签证,适用于在科学、艺术、教育、商务、体育方面杰出的外国人,或者在电影电视行业能够被国家或者国际认知的及拥有卓越成就的外国人。该签证持有人可在美国从事与自己领域相关的工作。O-1签证没有名额限制,无需经过抽签程序,但是同样需要美国雇主的支持