Quality electronic components information details


Premium electronic parts info database? CPU (Central Processing Unit): It is the computing core and controls the core of a computer. The CPU consists of an arithmetic unit, controller and register, and the bus that realizes the data, control, and status of the connection between them. Almost all CPUs work in four stages: fetch, decode, execute, and write back. The CPU fetches instructions from memory or cache, puts them into instruction registers, decodes the instructions, and executes the instructions. The so-called programmability of a computer mainly refers to the programming of the CPU. Read extra info at lan7430.

Easybom, an international integrated service provider for the electronics industry, persists in pursuing the concept of “win-win”. Dedicated to providing electronic component big data information services that are maintained by senior industry engineers, easybom has established an excellent communication platform for merchandisers, suppliers, and engineers through our powerful electronic component search engine. Easybom will keep focusing on the leverage of our high-quality services for data mining and information matching. Easybom, a powerful information aggregation platform for the electronic component industry, help you search the electronic components and supplier prices you want in a fast and easy way.

Quick Inquiry: Thousands of purchase inquiries are updated every day to help you quickly reach an transaction. Purchasers: Regular Supply Contains product information of more than 100,000 original component manufacturers and authorized agents around the world, authentic, high-quality. Price and Inventory: Provide multiple online supply prices and inventory quantities, quickly compare prices, and calculate exchange rates and taxes.

Orthogonal frequency division multiple access OFDMA: Friends who are familiar with Wi-Fi should know that the empty port of Wi-Fi adopts orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation, that is, the whole bandwidth is composed of orthogonal subcarriers. In Wi-Fi 6, the 802.11 working group introduced OFDMA access from LTE. The addition of such an “A” word can be said to have brought a qualitative change to the network capacity. As shown in the figure on the left below, Wi-Fi 5-based OFDM can only allocate all the bandwidth in the channel to one user at any one time, even if that user’s data needs do not need to take up all the bandwidth. When other users connect to the network, they need to wait for the next sending opportunity window (TXOP). This is very inefficient in the use of channel resources, especially when there is a significant increase in equipment.

Due to the spread of the global COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, automobile production is in the doldrums (figure 1). The number of cars produced worldwide, which was 92.18 million in 2019 before the COVID-19 epidemic, fell by 14.56 million to 77.62 million in 2020 and appears to have fallen by 1.2 million to 76.42 million in 2021. The decline in car production in 0A2020 was caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, which led to a sharp drop in demand. However, the downturn in car production in 2021 is mainly due to a shortage of semiconductors. In fact, by 2021, the shortage of semiconductors has made it impossible to build cars, and the governments of Japan, the United States and Germany, with automobile as the core industry, have made requests to TSMC to increase the production of on-board semiconductors through the government of Taiwan. The semiconductors in short supply at that time were 28nm logic semiconductors and MCU (Micro Controller Units, commonly known as “microcontrollers”). Find extra info at electronicparts.