Discover holistic healing and mindfulness events by Healerly marketplace

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Discover holistic healing and mindfulness services with Healerly holistic wellness marketplace? How Does it Help with Stress? Many researchers today argue that the effect of meditation on stress might be overrated. While there is evidence that supports a lack of commitment and consistency in daily meditation, we haven’t yet reached the point where we can question the effectiveness of meditation and mindfulness for promoting mental peace and happiness. In the 1970s, Herbert Benson, a physician at the Harvard Medical Institute, introduced a meditative practice that he called ‘The Relaxation Response.’ Benson’s studies on stress and its impacts revealed that the adrenaline rush that sudden adversities create could suppress the nervous system and blood circulation, increasing the chances of cardiac arrests, depression, manic psychosis, and even cancer.

Want to get some of the benefits of exercise by sitting in one place? Researchers have found that both mindfulness and Transcendental Meditation improve your cardiovascular health and reduce your risk of heart disease. Do you get sick more often than you would like? Believe it or not, a variety of different types of meditation, from mindfulness to yoga, have been shown to strengthen the human immune system and make you more resistant to viruses and infections.

Simply select your chosen category and find relevant healers, events, activities & meet-ups in your chosen location. Find contact information, connect with your preferred healer, and discuss your healing needs. We are always searching for passionate healers to join our community and help us reduce the amount of suffering in the world. Select “ADD LISTING” to promote your mental healing services, event, activities, or meetups. Healerly is free for the time being, making holistic healing and mindfulness available to the masses, no matter your age or circumstances. Discover even more info on Healerly Holistic Wellness Marketplace.

Nourish Your Forces – When you do the SWOT for any area of your life, you’ll also recognize your strengths. The better thing to do in life is to decide to commence with your forces. You want to continue performing the things you’re great at and learn to do them even better because you’re interested in these things. Correct Your Flaws – When you find out that you are limited in some fields, you’ll need to decide whether you should change it yourself or develop it by outsourcing it. To settle, which is better, question yourself whether it truly matters who do it or get it done.

In 2011, Sara Lazar and her team at Harvard found that mindfulness meditation can actually change the structure of the brain: Eight weeks of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was found to increase cortical thickness in the hippocampus, which governs learning and memory, and in certain areas of the brain that play roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing. There were also decreases in brain cell volume in the amygdala, which is responsible for fear, anxiety, and stress – and these changes matched the participants’ self-reports of their stress levels, indicating that meditation not only changes the brain, but it changes our subjective perception and feelings as well. In fact, a follow-up study by Lazar’s team found that after meditation training, changes in brain areas linked to mood and arousal were also linked to improvements in how participants said they felt — i.e., their psychological well-being. So for anyone who says that activated blobs in the brain don’t necessarily mean anything, our subjective experience – improved mood and well-being – does indeed seem to be shifted through meditation as well.

Everybody craves healing. Everybody has holes to be filled, gaps to be bridged, and walls to be mended. No matter what you’re going through, or have already been through, you need, and deserve, a support structure to help you rise from the ashes of trauma and suffering. Let Healerly be the wind beneath your wings – the wings our professional holistic healers CAN and WILL help you fix. We are pioneering an industry by making holistic wellness affordable and accessible through one central wellness marketplace. We use the word “holistic” because Healerly brings everything you need to heal under one roof, from yoga to meditation to daily mindfulness. See more info on