Best rated lingual braces services Mill Hill


Excellent invisalign services Mill Hill north London? What happens if something goes wrong and the implant doesn’t take? This rarely happens but if it does I will examine you and discuss what appears to be happening and from there try to resolve the problem even if this means having to remove the implant, wait for bone growth and then redo it. If this happens during the integration period you are not charged for removing and replacing the implant. I’ve been told that I don’t have enough bone for an implant. What can be done? There are many techniques available for building bone up that were not available even 3 years ago and I can place implants now where it was not thought to be possible. The first thing I will do is look and ask you to go for a 3D CT scan that will assess the height, depth and density of your bone. If you are unable to have implants I will let you know and provide an alternative treatment plan. Discover extra details at

Your child should see a dentist by his first birthday. Early preventive care saves you money in the long run. A CDC report shows that dental care costs are nearly 40% lower over a 5-year period for children who see a dentist by age 5. Your dentist can suggest when your child should start using mouthwash. You’ll need to wait until he knows how to spit it out. Oral Hygiene for Preteens: As children grow older and more of their permanent teeth come in, a rigorous daily dental hygiene routine is crucial to keeping teeth and gums healthy. However, it can be difficult to keep preteens interested in their oral care. Try these tips to keep your child on track: As preteens become more conscious of their appearance, it can be helpful to remind them that good oral care can help them look and feel better.

Do you wish to maintain healthy teeth and gums? Here are several tricks: Use Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to naturally whiten your teeth. Crush up one charcoal tablet into a powder. Dip your clean wet toothbrush into it, and brush your teeth as you normally do. How to get stains off your teeth? Over-the-counter toothpastes, gels, and rinses help remove some surface stains. Many of these products contain mild abrasives, chemicals, or polishing agents. Unlike bleaches, they don’t change the natural color of teeth. Some people still prefer the age-old home remedy of baking soda and a toothbrush to gently whiten teeth at home. Also, some foods such as celery, apples, pears, and carrots trigger lots of saliva, which helps wash away food debris on your teeth. Chewing sugarless gum is a tooth-cleansing action and also triggers saliva. A bonus from all that saliva: It neutralizes the acid that causes tooth decay. With teeth, more saliva is better all around.

Put simply, the plainer the color of the liquid the better it is for your teeth. Milk is full of calcium which will help to give you strong teeth and bones. Water is excellent at washing away plaque and other debris in your mouth. Drinking plenty of these two liquids will also help you to stay hydrated, that’s good for your overall health. Research shows that an electric toothbrush is more effective than a manual one at removing plaque. It can remove as much as 70% more plaque! An electric toothbrush won’t just help to keep your teeth healthy. Many of the modern ones have dedicated whitening cycles. This is a special 3-minute brush that helps to remove stains and leave your teeth looking naturally white. Getting shiny teeth the natural way will take longer than getting a Hollywood smile. But the perseverance is worth it and you’ll be looking after your oral health at the same time.

What complications are there? If you have any fillings or crowns these will not lighten and may require replacing after your teeth have become brighter. Usually during the whitening process your teeth become slightly more sensitive, however, it should not be painful. Sensitivity stops when the bleaching procedure comes to an end. What do you think of whitening toothpastes? We do not recommend whitening toothpastes as we have found they tend to make teeth more sensitive. Discover extra details at